Monday, April 25, 2011

Go Hogs, Go!

Yeah, I did.

I was walking around the mission in Lodonga and came across these kids playing. I taught them to call the Hogs. Yup. And took videos. My guess is that you are either sitting there being extremely proud of me right now, or you are laughing your head off at me. Too bad my internet is not feeling well enough to upload a video. I’ll post it when I get home.

Anyways, these kids showed up for rosary that same day and we became fast friends. For the week that I was in Lodonga, they would come pray rosary with me (I shared my rosary with them and they got really excited about that), then we would go play for a bit, then I would walk them home. Even though I spoke almost no Lugbara and they spoke almost no English, we were somehow able communicate through broken language and hand signs. I took many pictures of them.
Their names were Happy (5), Emily (6), Fred (5), and Boniface (3).

This was when we first met at their house (in the background). This was also when I taught them to call the Hogs.

From left to right: Emily, Happy, Fred and the little one in front is Boniface (or Boni)

Fred and Emily

Fr. David playing with them and doing some translating for me.

When they came to pray the rosary, they always wore their Church Clothes.

The four of them in front of the Basilica.

This was the only picture I could get of Happy's BEAUTIFUL smile. And that was only because she didn't know I was taking the picture.

 So, I taught them to call the Hogs on the first day I was in Lodonga, so I had the whole week to get to know them. Whenever they would see me, I would hear quiet shouts of "Woooooo...............pig." I would give them this huge grin and then they would get all bashful.
When I return to Lodonga, I am looking forward to greeting them again. :D

Okay, so now that I have posted more blogs in one day than I usually do in a month, I think I will save the rest for later. I still have about ten blog ideas in my blog archive (a.k.a. the back of my mind). It might be another week before I get more up, but hopefully these will tide you over until then. 
I miss you all back home, but rest assured, I am safe and well and having the time of my life! 

Happy Easter!
Awadifo Pascasi!
Enya Easter A La!

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